Tuesday, August 23, 2011

2011 Harvest Begins!

The wine grape harvest in Sonoma County officially kicked off on August 22nd.  A small batch of Pinot Noir was picked for use in J Winery's sparkling wine.  Grapes for sparklers are picked less ripe so they come in first.

This is just about the same time as last year with both years being later than average.  2010 saw a cool and damp summer causing the delay in ripening and a fairly heavy loss of some varieties in some locations.  2010 was also a tough economic climate for growers to sell their grapes even though the crop size was down.

The 2011 season was delayed by a wet spring but since that time conditions have been good.  Crop size is down from a couple years ago but quality should be high -- assuming Mother Nature continues to cooperate.  Also, it appears growers are having a much easier time selling their grapes this year.

The trickle of grapes that started yesterday should turn into an avalanche in a month.

Press Democrat article

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for the update! I don't usually visit but was wondering how the 2011 harvest season was going because my husband and I are planning a trip for late October. I hope the weather stays good so that we can all enjoy the wines from a superb vintage in a couple years. I do love Sonoma wines!
