Thursday, October 25, 2012

Tour of Lagunitas Brewery

I got in with a tour group from Rosso's Pizzeria (the best pizza in town) to visit Lagunitas Brewery in Petaluma. They've become a huge, successful operation and are in the process of expanding to Chicago to cover demand in the eastern U.S. Lagunitas IPA is the #1 selling IPA in California.
Here's a photographic tour of their production facility.
Click on any photo to enlarge

There's a LOT of stainless in Sonoma County!
That's our tour guide in the lower left of the picture

Bags of ingredients stored everywhere

Love the etching on the lid to the tank

This was a large spaceship-looking contraption

Fermentation tank

Bottling line

A sad story. A new tank was on its way from Germany via a ship
when it ran into a hurricane near Panama

Lots of automation in the plant and lots of equipment that's there it speed up processing as they try to keep up with demand. A nice problem to have!

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