Saturday, June 15, 2013

2012 - Biggest grape crop ever for Sonoma County

This was expected as everyone seemed to be getting a lot more grapes last fall during harvest. Lots of fruit and good quality. Two things led to the record harvest. Most importantly, was the warm spring and near ideal summer weather. Second, is the ever increasing acreage of grapes in Sonoma County.

News article

Eventually the new crop report will show up on the Sonoma County Ag Commissioner's website.

They've got crop reports going back over 80 years. For instance, in 1940 21,000 acres of grapes were harvested at an average of $20 a ton. Currently it's 58,000 acres at over $2,000 a ton. The valuation of the 1940 grape crop was about the same as prunes and hops.

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