Thursday, June 20, 2013

Wanna be part owner of a winery?

Lots of folks dream of giving up the rat race, moving to the countryside, and growing grapes or making wine. Some are rich and make a big splash, others rent space in a warehouse and make a couple hundred cases of Cabernet while keeping their day job.

But now there's an opportunity to become a part owner without all the hard work or even getting your hands dirty!  This doesn't happen very often, but Truett-Hurst Winery in the Dry Creek Valley of Sonoma County is going public. Today they've launched an IPO at only six bucks a share! Much cheaper than Google.

Why so cheap? Well, nobody's heard of Truett-Hurst. They've only been around for six years. Like most wineries, especially the newer ones, they have a ton of debt. So rather than buying into some new venture by an established company you're mostly paying down loans. A good investment? You decide. But at least you can say you're in the wine biz!

News article

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