Friday, August 23, 2013

2013 grape harvest is underway

It always begins slowly with a few reports of a few bins of grapes coming in here-and-there.  That's happening this week. It's a couple weeks early than the norm--at least for the warmer areas of Sonoma County. Generally you can expect the first grapes shortly after Labor Day though Mother Nature won't always play by those rules.

It's possible by mid-September things will be really moving--we'll see.  Lots of people like to visit this time of year. It's exciting to see (and smell) the harvest in action.  If you are visiting soon the big event for this coming weekend (Aug 24-25) isn't wine-related--it's Indy Cars at Sonoma Raceway. For Labor Day Weekend the big event is The Wine County Weekend including the Taste of Sonoma.

Article on the start to the harvest from the Santa Rosa Press Democrat.

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