Thursday, November 13, 2014

Thanksgiving Weekend in Sonoma County

It's a long weekend and you have family visiting (or are visiting family). Let's get out of the house and do a little wine tasting! You aren't the first one to think of this.

It's going to be a very busy weekend in the winery tasting rooms. Expect traffic and crowds around the wineries. Still, it's better than being at the mall!

The largest organized event is the Sonoma Valley Holiday Open House on Friday and Saturday, Nov 28 and 29, 2014. This is a special affair at over two dozen wineries. Tickets are $45 and is a pretty good deal for what you are getting. Info

On Friday only, about ten Alexander Valley wineries have a similar event for $25. Info on Facebook.

There's also everything from Santa arriving by boat on the Petaluma River to a tractor parade and tree lighting in Geyserville.

Wineries are generally closed on Thanksgiving then reopening to normal hours on Friday. It appears a couple Sonoma tasting rooms are open on T'Day. I'm not going to publish their names as they, apparently, don't care much for their employees' family life and I urge you not to visit.

Where will the crowds be (besides at the mall)?  Generally, in southern Napa and Sonoma Counties as these areas are closer to the greater Bay Area. The towns of Napa and Sonoma will be packed as will Healdsburg. To avoid the biggest crowds my suggestion is to head for western Sonoma County (Forestville, Highway 116 area) or Alexander Valley (north of Healdsburg). Expect mid-afternoon on Friday and Saturday to be the busiest times.

If you like the festive holiday spirit provided by wine tasting in the beauty of Sonoma County this is a great time to visit. Bring your patience for waiting in traffic and at the tasting bar.

Russian River Valley, Dec 1, 2011
Let the holidays begin!

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