Thursday, August 13, 2015

Why we live in Sonoma County

Visiting somewhere and actually living there can be quite different. I know people who have moved to places like Hawaii or Seattle because they were such great places when they visited. Then maybe a couple years later they leave because it wasn't what they thought.

I've been in Sonoma County for 35 years. No, I don't live here because it's cheap. There are things more important than money apparently.


Also from Sonoma County
There is a lot of creativity and passion. It might be in winemaking as you must have both of those traits to be successful. There are over 400 wineries in Sonoma County, each with a leader having a different idea of how to make a great wine.

These traits are also in beer making. Vinnie Cilurzo of Russian River Brewing is one of the top beer people in the world. Micro-breweries have been in Sonoma County for a long time. There are now over two dozen.

Creativity in the culinary scene is amazing--it's not just burgers, steaks and fried chicken.

The county is known for artists and art appreciation in music and the fine arts.

Cool morning low clouds. The grapes love it!

Growing premium wine grapes requires a certain climate of sun and warmth during the day, but it can't be too hot. And it requires cooler overnight temperatures. This also happens to be pretty ideal weather to live in.

What's most unusual are the micro-climates. It's too hot today? Take a drive west towards the coast until it cools down to a temperature you like. It's too chilly? Head north or east. Too rainy? Head south. I don't mean you have to drive hundreds of miles, but maybe five or ten!

A Sonoma Coast beach

With hills, valleys, redwoods, and the Pacific there's scenery everywhere. Yes, the coast is really spectacular, but so is looking up at a 1,000 year old 250 foot tall living thing in Armstrong Redwoods State Reserve.


We are spoiled. Every small town has at least a couple top-tier restaurants. The small towns of Healdsburg and Sonoma have dozens--some are known nationally.

Where there's world-class wine you want world-class food.

Assisting others in enjoying the bounty of Sonoma County

Farmhouse Inn.A Michelin-starred restaurant
Most of us enjoy helping visitors discover what we have. Questions like, "Where should I eat tonight?" or "What winery should I go to?" start with a smile because the choices are endless.

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