Tuesday, August 30, 2016

Wine Tasting Tip #6 - Showing Up Near Closing Time

This is part of a series of tip for your next wine tasting trip.

It's fairly common for folks to show up at a tasting room a few minutes before their advertised closing time. But will you get served? A typical wine tasting takes 30 to 40 minutes. Because of this many wineries will start their last tasting maybe 15 to 30 minutes before closing time. Others may still let you in five minutes before they shut the door

If you think about it you can't walk into Macy's five minutes before closing and expect to have a nice, leisurely shopping experience as that voice will come over the loud speaker, "Please make your final purchases and proceed to the checkout."

Best advice: Call first to see how late you can show up and still get a full tasting.

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