Friday, February 23, 2018

Living to an Old Age -- Let Beer & Wine Help

Along with all of the other studies on the good and the bad of alcohol consumption here is one that says a key to living to a ripe old age may be having a couple drinks every day.

This study by a University of California neurologist showed those old folks who have a couple beers or glasses of wine daily cut their risk of what the study called a premature death by 18% compared to those who abstained from alcohol (I'm not sure what's considered "premature death" when you're in your 90s). Those that exercised cut their risk by 11%. Also, those with a hobby cut the risk by 21%; those who drank coffee by 10%.

It sounds to me that in old age you should start the day with a cappuccino, work on your samurai sword collection, then walk to the nearest watering hole for happy hour!

As Chuck Yeager tweeted yesterday, "95 is the new 80."


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