Friday, June 15, 2018

June 15th, Chenin Blanc Day

June 15, 2018 is International Chenin Blanc Day. This "holiday" has only been around for a few years and got its start with a sommelier in Portland, OR.

Okay, so what the heck is Chenin Blanc and why should you care?

Chenin Blanc is a white grape from the Loire Valley in northern France. It's high acid making it a refreshing beverage (as Sauvignon Blanc is) and will even make a good sparkling wine (bubblies need high acid base wines). There is now more planted in South Africa than its home in France.

Going back just three decades there was also more Chenin planted in California than France. It was used primarily for its crisp acidity to add to less expensive bulk wines. Acidity is prized with California's Central Valley wines as the hot climate strips the acidity from most wine grapes. The Clarksburg area of Sacramento Valley has been specializing in Chenin Blanc for awhile. Often California Chenin is a slightly sweet, fruity, easy drinking wine. Actually, a pretty nice summer wine.

The only local winery I'm aware of making Chenin Blanc (and they have been forever) is Dry Creek Vineyards. Their fruit comes from Clarksburg. Their wine is highly rated so if you're going to try only one I'd suggest looking for this.

Another good thing about Chenin Blanc is it's usually pretty inexpensive. You'll pay $10-$17 for good quality. It's a good wine to sip by itself, but that natural acidity and fruitiness lets it pair well with cheeses and many cream-based dishes. Some Asian pork and chicken dishes would also work. Try it with risotto or sweet and sour pork. That's pretty versatile, huh?

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