Friday, June 22, 2018

Put a Quick Chill on Your Wine

It's getting to be that time of year when you want a nice, chilled white wine, take a little warmth out of that bottle of red wine, or maybe cool down some beer.

The general wisdom is to throw the beverage in the freezer for 20 minutes or so, but there's a much quicker method. If you've ever made homemade ice cream you know that you start with a custard-like pile of goop that is magically frozen when you add ice and salt to the outside of the metal container. Salt melts ice and that process requires heat. The heat comes from your custard. The heat is pulled out and the temp. drops.

We can use the same method for putting a quick chill on wine. Just use an ice and salt bath (with lots of salt) to surround the bottle and you've got a chilled beverage in about three minutes. You could by a quick chill beverage contraption for about 80 bucks, but ice, water, and salt are cheaper.

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