Friday, October 12, 2018

2018 Harvest -- Looking Good

It seems Mother Nature has been quite good to the North Coast (including Sonoma County) wine grape growers this year. It's been a long growing season leading to correct ripeness and flavors. During the critical last half of the season the weather has been slightly cooler than average with no heat spikes. There were a few days of rain in early October after many grapes had already been picked. As usual, the sun came out, humidity went down, and things dried out.

As of now it seems most everything is is except Cabernet and other Bordeaux grapes along with some of the Zinfandel and other miscellaneous reds. Some are saying this is a late year, but I think those folks are only remembering the drought years when everything from the spring bloom to the pick were moved up by several weeks. This year is the "old norm."

Grape growers love a long uneventful season. So do winemakers as many will tell you if the grapes come in looking great their job is much easier.

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