Monday, October 22, 2018

The Wine Country Lifestyle

People visit the wine country maybe more for the lifestyle than just the wine tasting.  So if you've never visited know that it's not just a way to get drunk (you can go to Vegas for that).

Yup, Sonoma even has a Wine Country Lifestyle magazine


There are so many good restaurants for the population.  Actually, more per square mile outside of any urban setting such as San Francisco or New York.   For instance, Healdsburg, CA, population 10,000, has thirteen restaurants listed in the Michelin Guide and a dozen more first-class eateries.

Winery Tasting Rooms

It's not just the wines, but gift shopping, socializing, views, architecture, wine education etc. The educational part can be in learning to like new things.  Maybe you never liked Zinfandel. Well, try spending a couple days exploring Dry Creek Valley and see if you can still say that!


Wine grapes grow best in a Mediterranean climate of warm dry summers and cool, often wet, winters. Those are the two seasons. Wine grapes also like cool nights so daily temperature swings are large. It's what I can a comfortable climate of lower daytime humidity with comfortable sleeping weather.


There are lots of them, but nobody is sporting a "If it's tourist season why can't we hunt them?" bumper sticker.   Probably Hawaiians are the most tourist-friendly people I've met with West Coast wine country folks not far behind.

Adding it up

It all comes out to a relaxed, comfortable lifestyle. Come see for yourself!

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