Monday, October 8, 2018

U.S. Wine Sales Growing, But More Slowly

Per the Beverage Information Group, an industry information source, 2017 saw an increase in wine purchases, but at a slower rate.

2016 saw a 2.4% growth over the previous year, but 2017's growth was a bit over 1%. Could be economic reasons, could be competition from beer, spirits, even cannabis. Who knows? A couple notes: (1) Oregon's wine growth rate was 16%. (2) The growth in spirits has been outpacing wine and beer for several years.

Total amount of wine sold was nearly 345 million cases, well over four billion bottles or around 18 bottles per adult. I know some of us purchase a lot more than 18 bottles in a year to make up for the slackers.  :)

The growth was fueled by increasing in what's trendy this year, primarily sparkling wines and rosé.

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