Monday, July 15, 2019

How to Buy a Bottle of Wine

I've done this subject before and so have many other people, but this is a different look at buying a bottle of wine.

Objective items


This is the number one determining factor in buying a bottle of wine. What are you using it for? Afternoon sipping, a fancy dinner, burgers, going to your parents for dinner, a celebration? What variety you buy and what style of wine matters.


A warm afternoon around the pool, a winter's dinner, picnic? Again, the variety and style will mater.

Subjective -- it's up to you if any of these matter

Who Made It

I try to avoid the conglomerate wines from people that own 50 wine labels. Why? Winemakers aren't hands on, they are more like project managers. All the wines taste that same (as that's their goal). How do you know if you're buying a corporate wine? Look it up on your smart phone.

Industrial Wine

Even if you're fine with corporate wine you shouldn't be with industrial wine. This is where there are hundreds of thousands or even millions of cases of $8 wines. Grape quality is poor and it's fixed with chemicals and other crap. Consider moving up to $15 wines if you are currently shopping in the under ten dollar range. This is a health item. Think of it as buying Wonder Bread vs. whole grain organic bread.

Environmentally Friendly

Organic grapes, organic wine, containers other than bottles, etc. It's up to you as what's important. Again, the industrial stuff is going to be about as far away from organic or sustainable as you can get.

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