Friday, August 16, 2019

Visiting Sonoma During the Grape Harvest

Each year the dates for the grape harvest depend on what Mother Nature has been up to. For 2019 it looks like early September through mid-October should be the busiest period. Why do you want to visit at this time? To see, hear and smell grapes being turned into wine. It's a very hectic and exciting time for the wineries.

Where to visit

You want wineries with accessible production facilities (where they make the wine). You can find them by just driving through one of the many valleys in the county and looking around, you can ask local folks, you can do online research.

Getting a guided tour

Somewhere that will give you a tour during their harvest operations will be entertaining and educational. Look for these.

Looking around on your own

The crush pad, where the grapes first come in, and sometimes more of the production area is visible from the winery property where you can stand at a safe distance and watch the activity. I emphasize safety as the winery workers are very busy and very tired so watch out for yourself. If you want to approach it's always best to ask permission first. Most winery folks will welcome the interest and if they have time will be happy to answer questions.

Getting lucky

One of the traditions is a champagne toast when the first grapes of the season come in to the winery. If you happen to time your visit well you might get invited to join in the toast and maybe a blessing of the grapes.

In the vineyards

The harvest begins in the vineyards with the picking crews. Most picking is early morning or even pre-dawn, but you can still see some grape picking going on while driving through the various valleys in the county.

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