Thursday, February 13, 2020

We're Drinking More

Compared to about twenty years ago we are drinking a lot more alcohol according to the National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism. We binge drink more, more people die from alcohol-related deaths.

Deaths related to alcohol have doubled in that twenty years. This could be from liver disease, sleeping pills and alcohol overdosing, car accidents, etc.

Binge drinking (four drinks for women, five for men in one occasion) is up. Interestingly, certain states lead the country in the uptick in binge drinking -- Idaho, Indiana, Maine, Montana, New Jersey, New York, North Dakota, Ohio, and Virginia. The group with the greatest increase in binge drinking where white women, 30-44 years old, with no children.

The death rate is highest amongst those 55-64. Indigenous Americans have the highest death rate by ethnicity.
According to the Center for Behavior Health 70% of adult Americans drink an average of two drinks a day. These gov't agencies usually recommend one drink a day for women, two for men.

What to do about all this doom and gloom? Go for quality rather than quantity. Enjoy and savor your drinks. FYI, nobody ever savors their Bud Lite, MD20/20 or Jose Cuervo.

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