Thursday, March 26, 2020

If You Want to Drink Alone, Now is the Time

Drinking alone is a social no-no as it's supposed to indicate a drinking problem. Though it gets labeled as a problem you may or may not see it that way. With the shelter in place thing now is the time to open that bottle of wine without the guilt!

Under normal circumstances you would probably go through the stages of alcohol guilt:
  • Denial (I don't need it)
  • Anger (dammit, I don't need it)
  • Bargaining (ok, I'll just have one glass)
  • Depression (fuck, I really need it)
  • Acceptance (I'm opening the damn bottle)
Afterwards, the feeling of guilt might be as thick as the hangover. No more! You might be stuck at home with your spouse of 30 long years, your kids, your cats that won't talk to you, or nobody. Of course, if you still don't like the idea of drinking solo you can always Skype or FaceTime someone to drink with. Any way you look at it you deserve that drink. Cheers.

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