Thursday, July 16, 2020

Wine in a Can

This article, The Evolution of Wine in a Can, talks about the (slowly) increasing number of wines in cans available and it's no longer just cheap, mediocre wines. 

The thing that worries me a bit is they insinuate that you'll just swig right out of the can. That can work for many whites and rosé, but I don't think an oaky chardonnay or a complex cabernet are going to show well. Most of the pleasure you get from most wine is through your nose and that's not going to be the same with a can. You still want to pour it into a glass.  

So for now it seems canned wine is meant for bright, fruity wines and as a summertime beverage for picnics and the beach.

So what size should the cans be? A single serving of wine is about 6 ounces and that's pretty small, and probably kind of wasteful, for a can. So the standard 12 ounce or 375 ml can can be considered two servings and that seems the way to go.

Craft beer did it. It's time for wine to get going.

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