Monday, September 14, 2020

Balance in Wine Consumption

With many things too little or too much is bad when it comes to things we put in our body. With some less is always better. With alcohol there are mixed messages.

Wine, the Good

People have been drinking wine for thousands of years. When traveling the Romans would carry wine to mix with water they found along the way. They didn't know why, but wine would counteract whatever made them sick from drinking water from sources along their journey. Yes, wine does have some antimicrobial, medicinal, and therapeutic value.

Modern studies have shown that lighter drinking may lessen the chances of heart disease or strokes. Red wine has antioxidants that may reduce the risk of some cancers, may slow down aging, and boost the immune system. 

Wine, the Bad

Excessive intake of alcohol can lead to cancer, liver disease, and mental impairment that can lead to brain damage including dementia. Then there's drunk driving and assault crimes. There's alcohol addiction.

Alcohol contains calories. Wine has little nutritional value (there are minuscule amounts of some vitamins and minerals).


As with most things in life you need balance. If you're having a glass of wine most nights with dinner that's considered good or at least okay. If you're having chardonnay for breakfast that's a problem. Most wine enthusiasts probably fit somewhere in between. The trick is to keep it on the safe side. 

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