Friday, August 20, 2021

OMG they're not drinking wine!

The graph below is meant to worry people in the wine biz. The newest arbitrarily named generation (gen z) isn't buying wine! Similar charts come out periodically. It turns out kids in college or just out of school with lots of debt don't buy much wine. Also, I think wine, along with other beverages like whiskey, are acquired tastes. That is, most people having their first sip of a light, sweet hard seltzer or cider might say, "Ohhh, this is nice." whereas their first intro to cabernet or scotch might be more, "OMG this is terrible!"

Anyway, no reason to be concerned. The names of the generations aren't important. What is meaningful is as people age, get more "sophisticated" tastes, and some disposable income, they become wine buyers. I've always found those in their 40s and 50s are the sweet spot for premium wines -- whatever you call their generation.

Click on image to enlarge


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