Thursday, September 2, 2021

U.S Wine Exports

American consumers have a nice selection of imported wines from around the world available. Other countries, to a varying degree, have some choices of American wines, What they probably don't have is a huge variety of what this country has to offer.

U.S. Wine Export Facts:

  • America exports about $1.4 billion of wine, 95% of it from California.

  • The EU is the largest importer of our wines. If you break it down by country the big four  are Canada, UK, Hong Kong, and Japan. Rounding out the top ten at a much lower dollar value are China, Denmark, France, Belgium, Germany, and Panama.

  • Gallo, of Modesto, California and the owner of about 90 different brands is the largest U.S. exporter. Three-fourths of the American premium wine sold in the UK is from Gallo. The numbers are similar in other countries.

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