Friday, October 7, 2022

Signs That You're a Wine Snob

You may be a wine snob and not know it. Here are some signs to help you realize what your friends already know.

Does your Significant Other have
this posted in your home?

  • You can correctly pronounce everything on the front label of a French wine. This only counts if you're not French.

  • You have oak half-barrels for planters -- inside your house.

  • Someone gives you a glass of Barefoot rosé, and you immediately launch into a critique of the harsh acids. Normal people would just wait for the host to look away, then toss it down the drain.

  • At a restaurant, you order a craft beer not because you want a nice cold IPA, but because the wine list isn't good enough.

  • Your wine cellar hit 62 degrees in August and you completely lost your mind.

  • Your favorite child was the one born in the best year for Napa cabernet. You don't talk about the one born in 1998.

  • You can open a bottle with a waiter's corkscrew without breaking off the cork.

  • Your kitchen cupboard has a set of Walmart everyday glassware you got for $8, but you have four different sizes of Riedel glasses that set you back $400.

  • You realized you don't get invited to parties anymore, maybe because you always criticize the host's wine. "I'm getting forest floor, which is something I didn't expect on a Russian River Syrah."  It was either that or the time you swirled so hard you spilled on three people's feet and the carpet.

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