Tuesday, October 17, 2023

Buying 2020 California Wines

Oh no, fires, smoke! Some people say they won't buy a 2020 California wine because of wildfires and smoke damage to wine grapes that year. 

Yes, grapes can get smoke taint that you can actually taste in the wine. No, not all of California caught on fire in 2020, or any other wildfire season. Not even all of Sonoma and Napa County grapes got smoke taint that year!  I know, many think differently.

Article from Wine Enthusiast on the 2020 vintage in Sonoma and Napa.


  1. I’m sure that’s true. But most of us are less aware of which wineries have been effected.

    1. The easy answer is to buy from small, reputable wineries. They can't afford to ruin their reputation.
