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Wednesday, February 6, 2019

Wineries Waiting Out the Freeze

California makes 90% of the country's wine, but many other states have a significant wine production and winery visitor economy. Behind California are New York at #3, Pennsylvania #4, Ohio #6, and Michigan #7. What do these runner-up states have in common? This year's Polar Vortex.

Native American grape vines such as Niagara or Concord are good to about 20 below. European grapes are good to about zero before they have problems. The cold temps can damage the next year's buds, the woody vine or even kill it down to ground level. So you might be looking at a smaller crop all the way to a total loss and needing to replant. BTW snow is good as it acts as an insulator.

It's safe to say there will be some damage this year, but we won't know how much until spring.

Cutaway of three vine buds. Image from
The vine's buds for next season's crop are the first to show damage. There are actually three buds: the large Primary in the middle, a smaller Secondary, and a Tertiary. If the Primary dies the Secondary will produce a smaller fruit crop. If the Primary and Secondary die the Tertiary will produce vines only (no fruit) to keep the plant alive. In the left picture all three are alive. In the middle the Primary is dead. In the right picture all three are dead.

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